- [01:16](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=76s) πŸŽ™οΈ Introduction to Andrew Michaels and Phantom Time Conspiracy

  - Comedian and host of Underworld News Tonight, Andrew Michaels, joins to discuss the Phantom Time Conspiracy theory.
- [04:01](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=241s) πŸ“œ Historical context and origin of Phantom Time Conspiracy

  - The Phantom Time Conspiracy claims that 297 years (613-911 AD) were fabricated by Pope Sylvester II, Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, and possibly Byzantine Emperor Constantine II.
  - Otto III's motivation was linked to Christian millenarianism, seeking Messianic status by aligning his rule with the 1,000th anniversary of Christ's life.
  - The theory suggests a deliberate attempt to create a mythical predecessor in Charlemagne, mirroring Otto's rule.

- [08:46](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=526s) πŸ” Herbert Ilig and Catastrophism Influence

  - Herbert Ilig, the creator of the Phantom Time Hypothesis, was initially influenced by catastrophism and parallels in historical narratives.
  - Ilig's previous works on ancient Egypt and prehistory laid the groundwork for his interest in reshaping medieval history.
  - Ilig's inclination to find unconventional parallels played a significant role in formulating the Phantom Time Conspiracy.

- [10:49](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=649s) πŸ“š The Phantom Time Hypothesis and Otto III's Role

  - The Phantom Time Hypothesis alleges that Otto III, with the help of Pope Sylvester II, added 297 fictional years to history.
  - Otto III's fabrication aimed at establishing a Messianic political figure by aligning his rule with the 1,000th anniversary of Christ's life.
  - The need for a mythical predecessor led to the creation of Charlemagne as a model ruler, further legitimizing Otto's dynasty.

- [16:11](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=971s) πŸ•΅οΈ Evaluating Evidence and Boredom Strategy

  - The evidence supporting the Phantom Time Conspiracy is drawn from the works of Herbert Ilig, primarily published in German.
  - Dr. Hans R. Nemitz's translated papers discuss the conspiracy but are characterized by a deliberate artifice of boredom.
  - The use of boring and dense content is a common strategy in conspiracy theories to create an impression of credibility.

- [19:09](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=1149s) πŸ“… Calendar Discrepancies

  - The Gregorian calendar adds a leap year every four years, but due to inaccuracies, it skips the leap year three times every 400 years.
  - The Julian calendar, preceding the Gregorian, should have been behind by 13 days, but it's only behind by 10, suggesting a discrepancy of about 300 years.
  - Leap year adjustments and discrepancies in the calendars form part of the Phantom Time Conspiracy.

- [21:44](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=1304s) 🏰 Romanesque Architecture Anomaly

  - Phantom Time theorists point to Romanesque architecture in 10th Century Western Europe as evidence against the conventional historical timeline.
  - Buildings like Siabi in France and Maria Laach Abbey in Germany exhibit Romanesque architecture, seemingly contradicting the notion of disconnected Barbarian kingdoms.
  - The argument challenges the established historical narrative regarding the development and spread of architectural styles.

- [23:08](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=1388s) 🌲 Dendrochronology Skepticism

  - The Phantom Time hypothesis challenges the validity of dendrochronology (tree dating) as a reliable method for dating historical events.
  - Supporters, including Dr. Nemitz, assert that dendrochronology is flawed and question its influence on various academic fields.
  - Dendrochronology skepticism is a significant component of the Phantom Time Conspiracy theory.

- [26:13](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=1573s) β›ͺ Church's Role in Historical Fabrication

  - Dr. Nemitz argues that the Catholic Church played a role in fabricating historical events for political and theological reasons.
  - The Church's creation of saints, miracles, and historical narratives is seen as a means of consolidating power and justifying political changes.
  - The Phantom Time proponents link the Church's alleged fabrications to the emergence of papal centralism and changes in the authority of the papacy.

- [28:43](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=1723s) πŸ“† Calendar Sync and Council of Nicaea

  - Critics of the Phantom Time theory cite the synchronization of Julian and Gregorian calendars, arguing against a significant time gap.
  - The Council of Nicaea's decision to calculate the date of Easter independently is proposed as an explanation for the calendar synchronization.
  - The discussion addresses objections related to calendar accuracy and religious events.

- [29:38](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=1778s) πŸ›οΈ Romanesque Architecture Rebuttal

  - Arguments against Romanesque architecture inconsistencies suggest it was a simple, culturally unifying style after the fall of the Roman Empire.
  - The Phantom Time skeptics assert that the architectural style's continuity doesn't necessitate a continuous historical timeline.
  - The defense counters claims of architectural anomalies supporting the conventional view of historical progression.

- [30:07](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=1807s) πŸ”’ STEM Brain and New Chronology

  - STEM Brain refers to a skepticism of historical events by those proficient in mathematics, leading to unconventional conspiracy theories.
  - The New Chronology theory by Anatoly Fomenko proposes a radical revision of history, collapsing Greek, Roman, and Egyptian history into the Middle Ages.
  - The discussion highlights the potential dangers of such conspiracy theories, especially the geopolitical implications of the Great Russian Horde concept.

- [37:13](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=2233s) πŸ“… Historical Calendars
  - Various calendars exist worldwide (Gregorian, Julian, Jewish, Chinese, Persian).
  - The Phantom Time Theory questions historical events, allowing interpretations to be flexible.

- [38:08](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=2288s) πŸ€” Phantom Time Theory's Flexibility
  - The Phantom Time Theory allows for filling gaps with desired events.
  - The theory's malleability encourages a personalized narrative of historical events.

- [39:31](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=2371s) πŸ‘‘ Power Dynamics in Historical Eras
  - Discussion about the hierarchical structure in historical times.
  - The conspiracy narrative often revolves around questioning authority figures.

- [40:29](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=2429s) 🀐 Questionable Quotes and Authority
  - Critique of a misattributed quote and its implications.
  - Modern conspiracy theories focus more on identifying the elusive "they" than verifying claims.

- [41:52](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=2512s) 🚨 Media Skepticism
  - Emphasis on skepticism towards mainstream media narratives.
  - Discussion on a recent incident and the challenge of discerning truth from online information.

- [46:18](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=2778s) πŸ” Distracting from Real Issues
  - Critique of conspiracy culture for diverting attention from serious issues.
  - Comparison of conspiracy focus on celebrities to real authoritarian challenges.

- [47:55](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=2875s) 🀯 QAnon and Messianic Expectations
  - Parallel drawn between QAnon's anticipation and religious messianic expectations.
  - Criticism of the perpetual countdown on a QAnon-related website.

- [50:26](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=3026s) πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ QAnon's Unusual Political Affiliation
  - Discussion on why some QAnon followers view a particular political figure as a savior.
  - Comparison to religious imagery, invoking the idea of a flawed but necessary leader.

  • [54:39](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=3279s) πŸ“œ Understanding Biblical Context
      - Encouragement to read religious texts as cultural epics rather than factual histories.
      - Brief insight into the flawed character of King David and its religious significance.

- [55:45](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=3345s) πŸ•΅οΈ QAnon and JFK Jr.

  - Discussion on QAnon and its origin.
  - Belief that elites are part of an evil cabal exposed by Q.
  - Unfounded belief that JFK Jr. is alive and orchestrating actions.

- [01:00:10](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=3610s) 🌐 Dangers of QAnon Beliefs

  - QAnon acts as a Rosetta Stone for conspiracy theories.
  - The moral imperative associated with QAnon beliefs.
  - The potential for harmful actions based on unfounded conspiracy theories.

- [01:02:46](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=3766s) πŸ”„ Double Standards in Protests

  - Addressing the double standards in responses to protests.
  - Comparing protests against police brutality to attempts to overturn an election.
  - Emphasis on evaluating the context and motivations behind protests.

- [01:03:52](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=3832s) 🌐 Critique of Two-Party System

  - Critique of the two-party system in the US.
  - Reflection on the lack of a true left-wing in American politics.
  - Broad criticism of the political and economic systems in place.

- [01:10:40](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=4240s) πŸŽ™οΈ Challenges with Podcast Guests

  - Discussing challenges with podcast guests.
  - Dealing with guests who may not be truthful or reliable.
  - The decision to vet guests more thoroughly to maintain credibility.

- [01:13:11](https://youtu.be/e8585DzjM6U?t=4391s) πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Global Perspective and Humor

  - Humorous messages to US and UK listeners.
  - Acknowledgment of global listenership and popularity in the UK.
  - A light-hearted and entertaining conclusion to the podcast.